Choc Ajuong Achiek vs Gongic Achiek Nai
Yesterday at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport as I was waiting for the arrival of my sons, I comfortably sat at exterior waiting lounge together with cousins, namely Malualchot Madit and Bol Mabor. There were many other people waiting to receive their arriving relatives.
Unlike those other people, we weren’t bored. We were watching the wrestling through Mc Anyar-jur wrestling page. While he continued with his usual strong, loud and clear but entertaining commentary, we heard him overly mentioning the names, Gongic Achiek and Choc Ajuong being escorted each from his side by a sizable number of people.
The duo came onto the pitch as they were followed by their admirers and we could see at the center of the pitch were the two versus each other but in accompaniment of their coaches. They were talked to by the referees. Like usual, wrestlers are asked not to be violent and not to hurt each other by grabbing each other’s balls or gouging each other’s eye.
For the case of decorated wrestlers such as Gongic and Choc, ethics make what they are known for and without doubt the duo couldn’t be talked to in length because they know the meaning of wrestling and why it must not be turned into something else.
This type of wrestling was named Amompiny because it wasn’t pre-planned and nobody was earmarked for each other. It is quite common among people of Lakes state. It is always a surprise kind of a match.
Gongic who hail from Adol section of Kolnyany Payam has remained renowned over years. He is untouchable and has remained so for long. Attempts on him at both Juba and Bor have failed and he even crossed over to Aliab area were he destroyed Bunapor Maker. The strongman Magot Khot was too resisted by him.
Gongic is gifted in the wrestling field and his tactical ability on most counts surpassed that of his opponents. Gongic has been versatile that he doesn’t have fears of anyone.
He devoured young wrestlers before and that was enough to give him confidence that he is the only man that can challenge both, the young and his age mates. He didn’t know certain mountains are hard to climb. While his wins in Juba have not hit the rooftop of late, his stature has just been so high.
However, at the eve of yesterday, gods perhaps, at worse have forgotten him or at best, have temporarily forsaken him.
He developed the courage and ego that propelled him to confront anybody and with that courage and ego,he also invented a new style, this new style is such that he raises his right fist with his left palm wrapped around the wrist while showing it to the opponents and the crowd.
That perhaps symbolizes his manhood or strength rather! This new symbolism might have angered the provoked youngster in the person of Choc Ajuong Achiek.
The youngster comes from one of the symbolic sections of Yirol. Choc wasn’t representing his family, he wasn’t representing, Reek-Achiek Mayen, he wasn’t representing Aboutbaai, he wasn’t representing Alel-Jengun, he wasn’t repressing Abuyung, he wasn’t representing Gut-Thom, he wasn’t representing Bunagok either or even Awerial; he was a symbol of Bahr El Gazal in the sporting event. He was a representing his fan-base across the country including his huge support from Jonglei and Equatoria. Choc is a sportsman with open chest and never envy or desire to confront anyone with disrespect. He is of course a son of Ajuong Achiek Mayen as genealogy from which he stems remain noticeably unblemished and invincible everlastingly.
Choc is from Yirol and history of Yirol tells of how people there are never maimed even by mythical uncontrollably harmful animals such as Keror-Pan-Man-Bol, Achengjong, Nguel-Alol and Makoi-the-Lion. The same Yirol was represented by Achook and Aliap during the colonial era as they never spared the white colonialists and thus evoking the poetry expressions such as “Tongdie-Ace-Nek-Achol” by Aliap and “Athony-Abok-Dangde-Wei” by Achook. Yirol is not limited to this, history can express in length about Yirol and its people. However, when Gongic’s claimed impeccable records were broken, it was of course by a rumbling Choc Ajuong whose credentials in wrestling are markedly unassailable.
He is capable of breaking records as he had already set records traceable that a doubter can be convinced!
While in the wrestling Arena, the likes of Agok Adhum aka Hamjok, Cuir-Waat, Gai Nyanaliap and of course, Long Anguat and among several others, the likes of Koc Aleth Anin Koc, Pul-Aguek and Sunday de John had played to the highest level with records traceable and unbroken and so breaking Gongic’s records that are sometimes characterized by running-away and more so by a Red-Hot-Choc isn’t a big deal.
Choc has used his usual swift skill, he pushed Gongic directly with his C-Shaped style and disallowing him from running away as he wrestled with his handless back and throwing him head own as he walked away majestically like John Rambo who has just accomplished a task. Of course Choc was put to task by his coaches on orders of the Chairman Martin Makur Telar.
As if this wasn’t enough, the Multi-purpose amphibian tank-like Chuti Magot Achuoth rubbed the salt into the wounds by using my long forgotten style, the “Yup-Wei” which my uncles from Jonglei referred to as Geer against his opponent in the person of Nhial Malueth.
Nhial like Gongic is a robust gentleman deserving of my respect. However, Chuti can crush or uproot trees and so Nhial was a troubled man even before they rammed and of course he was finally brought down. This didn’t cease, Abang Marial Icut aka Nhomlau worsen matters, he used his Muorkaba and pulled one Majur Ayuen to a significant height beyond his balance and brought him down in judiciously.
There was already a commotion on the side of powerful Majok Jongriir, they brought in a man referred to as Majong-Chek to rescue the worsening situation however, the matters weren’t improved by this new decision, instead the matters were rather compounded by one Ajuong Kernhom who actually doesn’t know the barriers ahead of him as he has the capacity and audacity to consume tall and short people just like a metallic saw would do.
By Dr. Sunday de John